Lasting Powers of Attorney
Live for today, plan for tomorrow
A Lasting Power of Attorney gives you more control over what happens to you if you have a serious accident or illness and can’t make your own decisions.
Making your Lasting Powers of Attorney whilst you’re in good health, is simply sensible planning.
Think of Lasting Powers of Attorney as a little like insurance - we hope we never have to use it, but it’s invaluable protection if needed.
Essential legal protection
It’s important to make Lasting Powers of Attorney if you have been diagnosed with an illness which could mean you’re less able to make decisions for yourself in the future.
The kinds of illness that might prevent you from making decisions for yourself include:
mental health problems
brain injury
alcohol or drug misuse
the side-effects of medical treatment
You must be 18 or over and be able to make your own decisions at the time you make your Lasting Powers of Attorney.

Get in touch today
Our friendly team of experts are here to help you make your Lasting Powers of Attorney. We’re just a call or message away.
Privacy guaranteed
Making Lasting Powers of Attorney is a private matter, so we make it possible to do so without leaving home. You can rest assured that anything you tell us is completely confidential. Any data we keep is held securely.
Our promise to you
We’ll explain everything you need to know in easy terms, including:
the role of an attorney and how to choose them
how many attorneys should be appointed
the certificate provider’s role and who to choose
who should be the ‘person to be told’
how to appoint your attorneys and the differences between ‘jointly’ and ‘jointly and severally’
including essential permissions for a financial adviser to continue to support your family
the difference between ‘preferences’ and ‘instructions’
options for life sustaining treatment
avoiding conflict with an existing ‘Advance Decision’ or ADNR
how long the process will take
applying for a reduced registration fee because of low income or other means-tested benefits
using the Lasting Power of Attorney once it has been registered
the safeguards and protections
Contact us
You’ll always hear a friendly voice when you call. To request more information or book an appointment, click the button below.
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