Scroll down to read helpful articles on a wide range of estate planning topics, or use the search button to find answers to a specific query.

Wills, Law Donna Hames Wills, Law Donna Hames

Can someone with dementia make a Will?

You may think that if a person has a dementia diagnosis, they can no longer make a Will. In many cases, this could be true, but a qualified and experienced professional may be able to help. Read on for helpful guidance about the test for capacity to make a Will.

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Wills, Law Donna Hames Wills, Law Donna Hames

Can my children inherit if they live overseas?

The simple answer to the question “Can my children inherit if they live overseas?” is yes, but there could be a few hurdles to finalise matters.

If you are dealing with an estate with beneficiaries located abroad, there are a few additional issues that need to be considered. Find out more in our helpful article.

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Wills, Law Donna Hames Wills, Law Donna Hames

What is the Danish practice of ‘death cleaning’?

Death cleaning (like estate planning) isn’t some eerie ritual involving black candles and incantations. It’s your chance to embrace life and spread a little tidying magic along the way. It's about making space for the things that truly matter and finding peace of mind knowing that everything is in its proper place.

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Wills, Law Donna Hames Wills, Law Donna Hames

Can executors inherit?

This is a common question often asked by clients and comes from a misconception that there’s a conflict between the two roles.

Here’s what you need to know:

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Wills, Law Donna Hames Wills, Law Donna Hames

Who can challenge a Will?

There's a misconception that anyone can contest a Will, but that's not true. Only a select few have that right.

The circumstances for making a claim against someone’s estate are also limited. Sadly, if your situation doesn't fit into the legally defined categories, you may not have any options.

We look at who can claim and why in this article.

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Wills, Law Donna Hames Wills, Law Donna Hames

Can I exclude someone from my Will?

Have you fallen out with someone in your family?

Does it worry you that someone who’s no longer in your life might inherit from you? If so, it’s time to make your Will.

Find practical steps to help you avoid a potential challenge in our latest blog.

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Wills, Law Donna Hames Wills, Law Donna Hames

What are digital assets?

Digital assets are often overlooked when making a Will. Some digital assets have a monetary value; others don’t, but may have sentimental value. Find out more here.

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