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Wills, Law Donna Hames Wills, Law Donna Hames

What is the Danish practice of ‘death cleaning’?

Death cleaning (like estate planning) isn’t some eerie ritual involving black candles and incantations. It’s your chance to embrace life and spread a little tidying magic along the way. It's about making space for the things that truly matter and finding peace of mind knowing that everything is in its proper place.

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Wills, Law Donna Hames Wills, Law Donna Hames

Can executors inherit?

This is a common question often asked by clients and comes from a misconception that there’s a conflict between the two roles.

Here’s what you need to know:

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Wills Donna Hames Wills Donna Hames

Does a Will last a lifetime?

As life moves forward, your Will may need to be updated to ensure it represents your wishes and intentions. Life has an inevitable conclusion. We can’t know our expiry date. It’s sensible to plan for now and review your plans if your circumstances change.

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